📄Tutorial: How to Stake $CROC?

CrocBot is a protocol allowing farming popular airdrops backed by a team of sybil experts. We’re offering “Swarms”, a powerful tool to deploy thousands of addresses to farm according to your own strategy. If you want to know more about CROC staking, read this article: https://medium.com/@CrocBot/announcing-xcroc-crocbot-revenue-sharing-specs-f18d5fe1215e

The first thing to know is that 10k $CROC “unlocks” the right to obtain a farming address for airdrops. Swarms are still in development but are set to go live in the coming weeks!

⚠️ CROC rewards are based on fees earned with protocol taxes, rewards distribution occurs when the redistribution contract reaches 1 ETH (therefore, the timing of the rewards can't be anticipated). The APY displayed is calculated based on 90 rolling days of volume.

Step 1: How to buy $CROC?

It’s quite simple. Just go to https://app.uniswap.org/ and swap a few ETH for $CROC. With the example below, we’re going to get 24 farming addresses available.

Step 2: How to stake my $CROC ?

Staking is the step that officially entitles you to farm these 24 farming addresses. It’s a mandatory step. Simply holding $CROC is not enough to be eligible. Unstaking is instantaneous and there is no locking period.

Simply go to the CrocBot dashboard and follow these steps: https://dashboard.crocbot.farm/

Login with Metamask

Approve transaction

Stake your $CROC

Congrats! ✅ Your staking is live, enjoy your xCROC! (It may take a few minutes to appear on your dashboard if it’s the first time you’ve executed this transaction on your ETH address.)

Step 3: What about LP?

If you want to go with LP staking, you can also LP your CROC with ETH to stake the LP and earn from the LP staking APY.

go to https://app.uniswap.org/ and Click on Pools

Click on More and choose V2 liquidity

Click on Add v2 Liquidity

Select ETH and CROC pair and Click on approve CROC

Click on Supply

Click on Confirm Supply and wait a minute.. You can stake your LP the same way that you stake the CROC to start earning rewards. You can stake LP on the CrocBot dashboard and redeem your rewards there as well.

(It may take a few minutes to appear on your dashboard if it’s the first time you’ve executed this transaction on your ETH address.)

Last updated